Castle Rock is a small town in the western base of Mount St. Helens with a population of about 2,500. Its main industry has historically been timber and their sawmill was the first to produce cedar shingles for the local farming industry.
We collaborated with Band and Choir teacher Ms. Preslicka who is in charge of 65 middle and high school band students. The middle and high school both have many students interested in band but cannot afford to rent instruments. Ms. Preslicka stated that many instruments at their school are in disrepair or simply unavailable to interested students. The impact is great, she said, as more students can now enroll in band with a reliable instrument. When she was hired a few years back, the band program was small. After she took the helm and with her leadership the band program has expanded, and they now perform regularly in football games, fairs, and local festivals.
Instruments donated:
2 trumpets
1 flute
2 clarinets
4 pairs of Vic Firth Drum sticks for marching band
Pearl Snare Drum Combination
Yamaha Keyboard and Stand
Pearl Marching Band Drum set Black
2 Pearl Marching Band Snare sets White