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Garfield-Palouse School District

We collaborated with one of the most enthusiastic and energetic band leaders we have ever met, Mr. Matt Zook, at the Garfield-Palouse School District. He was kind enough to answer some questions about the school itself and the impact of the donated instruments: 



Garfield Palouse: 

1.  How many kids are in the school district and about how many kids are in the Band/Music program?


We have about 20 kids in the 5th grade band program all together from each school and 6th grade band is required (15 kids), 7th-8th grade band has 6 kids, and there are 20 kids in the high school band. There are about 86 total kids at the high school, 50 kids in the middle school, and 90 kids in the elementary. 


2.  Can you share the impact of the instruments? 

Music in the schools add so much to not only the culture of a high school, but also what we do out of the community. In small schools, there aren’t always the same opportunities that students get when pursuing art, but it is necessary for students to have a place where they aren’t just playing sports. This music program is so special to me because these folks get to walk into the band room and just be who they are and express themselves while accepting others creating a unique culture around the students. It is a great opportunity for freshmen and seniors to collaborate with each other when normally they would most likely not be hanging out with each other. Each day we are hanging out with each other, making fun stories and memories, making art, and going on trips. These students really fulfill my life and being able to have workable instruments for them to play fulfills their lives as well. It is the most rewarding experience seeing these students grow from playing on the recorder, to participating in the WSU honors band and the Solo and Ensemble competition. 


3.  Can you share any particular challenges you currently face or have faced in the past as a music teacher so far? 


Funding has always been difficult in small schools, and so the amazing gift that you have given us just relieves that stress so much, that we have quality instruments that we know are going to work. I feel really lucky to be here at Garfield Palouse because the community is so supportive of the arts. Some music teachers around this area are not as fortunate as I am in terms of the support we get for the arts program. 

Instruments donated: 

1 Yamaha Keyboard 

4 bongo drums

10 music books

5 clarinets

1 trumpet

6 music stands 

1 trombone

6 music stands 

1 snare drum

4 alto sax

2 hand tambourines 

4 flutes

1 guitar 

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